Nitara Murray


Home Buyers

Looking to

Buy a dream home?

Buy a dream home?

Use this roadmap as a quick overview of the buying process. If you have any questions, please reach out to me!

1- Find Agent

Find a great agent that you're comfortable working with

2- Financials

Determine what you can afford, get a credit check and pre-approved for a loan

3- Tour Homes

Start searching for and touring homes

4- Offer

Work with your agent to make a strong offer.

5- Negotiate

Let your agent help you negotiate with the seller

6- Inspection

Set up an inspection and plan to attend

7- Appraisal

Set up for an appraisal to be done on the new home

8- Loan Approval

Receive your final approval letter from the lender

9- Moving

Set up your moving date with movers

10- Closing

Attend the closing meeting, get keys and celebrate!