Nitara Murray


Home Sellers

Looking to

Sell your home?

Use this roadmap as a quick averview of the selling process. If you have any questions, please reach out to me!

1- Find Agent

Find a great agent that you're comfortable working with

2- Pricing

Work with your realtor. to price your home competitively

3- Staging

Prepare your home for showings

4- Marketing

Your realtor will ensure that your home is marketed across multiple platforms.

5- Listing

Your home is live and viewable by potential buyers

6- Showings

Be as flexible as possible to get the most potential buyers. viewing your home

7- Offers

Your realtor will help you consider all offers presented and negotiate fairly.

8- Under Contract

The contract becomes binding after you and the buyer agree on the contract terms.

9- Final Details

Start parking and be prepared for delays.

10- Closing

Attend the closing meeting, transfer keys and celebratel